Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 2

I'm thankful for my hardworking husband. I really can't think of another man that works as hard as he does, yet is still making his family a high priority. He's cut out any other time consuming habits so that he is available to his kids. He's extremely underpaid for how how hard he works physically and the hours he has to put in at home when owning a small business, but yet he rarely complains. He watches the money come in and go right back out for our little family, and doesn't ask for anything for himself. No matter how physically exhausted he is at the end of a work day, he walks in the door smiling and jumps straight to the floor to play with the kids. That's my favorite part of the day too:) As I write this, he's going on almost an hour of of playing with 2 small matchbox cars with Hayes...over and over again. He takes care of our family and supports my social habits by taking me on dates and watching the kids so I can have girls nights. I'm thankful for the man he has become!

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