Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 3 - Staying at home

I'm thankful for the opportunity to stay at home during the day with my children. I knew this was something I always wanted to do when I became a mom if it was possible. But we ended up getting pregnant earlier than we had planned (surprise). Right around this this time, my mom announced she would be moving to Canada after her wedding. She was worried about leaving her house to renters while she was gone and asked if we were interested in moving in. We found a renter for our town house, and moved into my mom's house where she didn't even charge us rent. Little did I know, that I was about 5 weeks pregnant when I was helping CJ move our bed, dresser, couch, and everything we owned up and down our townhouse steps and into the new place. We found out right after we moved in that I was pregnant. God knew we were going to have a baby earlier than we 'planned'. He also knew He was going to take care of that baby, and us by providing all our needs. It's rare that as married adults you can live rent free for any amount of time. Especially with not having to live WITH your parents:) But the timing of this couldn't have been more perfect. We lived off CJ's income, and used my whole income over those last 9 months, to get ourselves completely out of debt. But most importantly, I was able to stay home with my new baby. I didn't miss a THING. I can always work if I want to. And I probably will again. This is something I take for granted because a lot of days it's hard. It's easy to miss the working life if I'm being completely honest. And probably most moms who work wish they could be with their babies. I need to remember how blessed and thankful I am that I get to see my babies and that I'M their only mother, and I get to spend the most time with them!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 2

I'm thankful for my hardworking husband. I really can't think of another man that works as hard as he does, yet is still making his family a high priority. He's cut out any other time consuming habits so that he is available to his kids. He's extremely underpaid for how how hard he works physically and the hours he has to put in at home when owning a small business, but yet he rarely complains. He watches the money come in and go right back out for our little family, and doesn't ask for anything for himself. No matter how physically exhausted he is at the end of a work day, he walks in the door smiling and jumps straight to the floor to play with the kids. That's my favorite part of the day too:) As I write this, he's going on almost an hour of of playing with 2 small matchbox cars with Hayes...over and over again. He takes care of our family and supports my social habits by taking me on dates and watching the kids so I can have girls nights. I'm thankful for the man he has become!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 1 - thankfulness

Last year during the month of November I tried to concentrate every day on something I was thankful for and post it on Facebook. This year I'm going to do the same,in more detail, on my blog so I can go back and look someday. For day one, the first thing that came to mind was the country I'm fortunate enough to be born and live in. I'm thankful for the USA. We just got back from Mexico. A country that Americans love to visit because it's beautiful and cheap. We take for granted when we see so many men, women and children 'harassing' us to buy whatever they are selling. But yet not ONCE did anyone beg for money. I found that ironic. We can go to any major city in the US and find bums sitting there asking for money, with nothing to offer in return. And most people have given to them at some point. But when you go to Mexico, you feel like they are begging, but they are still offering something in return. Even if it is a crappy wooden lizard or something. I hate to admit it, but it's easy to look at these people as lower than us. Why? Just because they were born in a different part of the world, doesn't mean they aren't husbands and fathers or trying to provide for a family member. We live in a country where pretty much any time in history means it's a good place to be. Of course being black, being native american and other races at certain times has been difficult. But for the most part, this is the best place on earth to live. And I was blessed enough to be born here, and have my children be born here. Our worst days in America, are still usually some of the best someone from other certain countries might ever have. At any point, I have access to free, clean water. That in itself is something I take for granted. When I'm quick to complain about sitting in traffic, I should remember I have a warm car that I own and I'm probably on my way to go somewhere enjoyable and safe. When I complain about not having enough money to get nice new things for my house, why do I forget that most people will NEVER own a house or even have their own room to sprawl out do I even have the RIGHT to complain about things like that?? When I complain about not feeling well, how do I so easily forget that I have access to whatever medical care, relief otc drugs, food and help. When I start to wish my husband could be home earlier in the evenings, I forget that he isn't sitting on some dangerous street for 12 hours a day hoping to sell at least $5 of something hoping to feed the family for another day or so. Thank you God for my country and blessing us for another day in it!